Monday, March 2, 2009

Senior citizens eye exam

Senior citizens eye exam
Stare for a few seconds at each of the following patterns.
Are the patterns moving?
Or are they perfectly still??

The patterns are used to test the
level of stress a person can handle.
The slower the pictures move,
the better your ability of handling stress.
Alleged criminals that were tested
see them spinning around madly.
However, senior citizens and kids see them standing still.
None of these images are animated - they are perfectly still.
How did you do with the test??

If you did NOT see any movement in the patterns,
look closely at the following photo.Below!

Senior citizens,
if still you don't see movement in this photo,

call 9-9-9 or 9-9-5

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If you got things to write.
Pls don't write.
Cozs you got time to write.
I don't fking time to reply!
So wast your time and my time!